So many people jump into marriage without really evaluating what it’s going to take to make it last. Knowing the factors that will affect your long-term relationship before you decide to make it long-term can be a deciding factor in the success of a marriage. This E-Book comes with learning exercises that are developed to undercover hidden needs and wants within each other. These exercises will create dialog for you and your mate (or potential mate) to have for a better understanding of those needs and wants, because sometimes those needs are not established before the marriage and then they surface later and can cause potential conflict.
In this E-Book, you’ll learn things to prepare for, how to communicate effectively, and how personality types will affect marriage, as well as ways to resolve conflict and stay happy throughout years and years of marriage!
This really is a powerful tool no matter where you are in your romantic life. Whether you’re already married, engaged, dating, or single, this valuable information can help set you on the right path for lasting success in romantic relationships!